Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Christmas!!!

I've had a roller-coaster relationship with Christmas the past couple of years - sometimes hating it, sometimes indifferent, sometimes liking it, never really loving it. Sometimes I hated the way it made me feel, sometimes I hated the extreme commercial nature of it, sometimes I disliked the non-focus of the season, sometimes I just didn't care.

But now! Now I love it! And I think I'll stay loving it. I had my tree up on December 1, and have it lit up whenever I'm at home. And it's not even a cliche anymore... I don't say Christmas is about family, like many nice people say. Family is a byproduct of Christmas -- we just so happen to get together to celebrate the real reason.

Christmas (to me) is a celebration of Christ's birth; therefore a celebration of everything my life has become because of Christ's birth. And really, there is no area of my life He has not impacted, so it is a celebration and reflection on my entire existence... Christmas. Who'd've thought?!

Let's party!!!


Stacey said...

I all too often find myself caught up in the commercialism of Christmas too, especially working in retail. It's a good reminder to focus on what the season is really about. Jesus.

Jen S. said...

That's so awesome! I'm sorry that you haven't always enjoyed Christmas, but PTL you can enjoy it more than ever now.
Merry Christmas!