I was astonished when, in his discussion about the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, he actually claims to be one of them! He goes through the texts that describe these two end-time prophets, including some outside of Revelation (pretty hefty stuff), and then WHAMMY! he's one of them!! I took a gander at some of his sites - he has a few. You may want to check them out yourself (but only if you have absolutely nothing else to do...):
I never once entertained the thought of his audacious claim being true, but from what I've learned about the closed-minded missing the work of God, I decided to humour the man. I emailed him, or whoever it is that answers his emails, asking what the events were surrounding his "appointment by God", thinking that the commissioning of something so magificent and glorious and long-prophesied, bigger than the ministries of Moses and Elijah, would be quite an event! I also asked what proof in the way of miracles and/or displays of God's power he could provide to prove his claim.
I got a form letter back, and basically it explained that they are too busy to reply so read this and don't bother us anymore. It went on to explain how to "get ready" for the end of the world, one step of which is to read his two books over and over and over again. No where did it say anything about his "appointment by God" or any evidence to prove he is indeed one of "the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth". I replied saying, "There was no answer to my question in your form letter. Please be so kind as to provide an actual response or refer me to where the answer is posted online."
They replied: "Your question was more than adequately answered. We do not offer cliff notes."
I then commented on the maturity level of their organization and how the failure to provide answers on those questions not just to me, but to the whole freakin world (which he'll soon lay waste to), was proof enough that this was a Communique l'kook! I also promised him a special feature on my blog.
Take a good look; fire may come out of his mouth and destroy us all one day.

Scary stuff man!
It was good to see you the other day, Matt.
Merry Day-after-Christmas! (aka Boxing Day)
Do you folks really believe this guy? His views on the Bible alone are wrong. If you look at what he preaches, he DISREGARDS many things in the New Testament, including Jesus' teachings on Salvation, Heaven, hell, the Holy Spirit, etc.. He's bent on keeping Old Testament rituals before Christ came...
He's a spinster and a false prophet.
Satan is laughing his back side off at the fact that Ron Weinland is working with demons.
Even some of the radio announcers that have had this clown on their shows are buying into this crap.
Watch out for this. He's a nut.
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