Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On Living With Other Humans...

So recently I forsook the much-enjoyed life of a solitary habitat to join 4 other humans in a house closer to work. Now I'm not one to dramatize little blips here and there, but... but nothing, I have nothing to complain about. For the most part, I live like I'm on my own, except for the traces of co-habitation left behind by the others in this house. Things like the bathroom - access hasn't been a problem, but cleanliness might be a bit of one (we have a shedder in the house!). But other than that, nothing is wrong. It's different, not bad.

Although, I must admit I miss having my very own space. Everything was where I put it and wanted it (it was MY mess), and if the shower was dirty, it was my dirt, and if I left dishes out for a few days, I only had to answer to myself (which can still be harsh!). Also, the fact that I didn't have to spend all my time in my bedroom was nice. Then there's the fact that I can't really sing at the top of my lungs anymore; I actually miss that. Such moments are now reserved for the car at night :)

This is good though; I should learn to live well with others, to tolerate others. And I am!

All part of [slowly] growing up.


Jen S. said...

Glad it is going so well for you! Do you not hang out in the living room or whatever, esp if none of the others are? You have a laptop, with wireless internet, no?
Good for you!

Peter Thurley said...

well, how about that. matt's growing up! ;) i'm glad things arn;t too bad.. they could be worse... creepy roommates who are nearing 35 walking around in their tighty-whities... a roommate whose laugh sounds like a soprano singer, and another roomie who smokes like a chimney... all in a days work!

Stacey said...

Lol, you have a shedder in the house! That is so funny! It's good to hear that you are learning to live with others, baby steps Matt, baby steps. Maybe soon you will be able to leave your room daily and sit in the kitchen or living room with your roommates. ;) Seriously though, glad things at your new place are good.