Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Great Lesson Learned

My co-workers at a former job used to call me Becker after the grumpy sitcom star played by Ted Danson. And rightly so! I used to be in such a state that I hated the world and all those who lived in it. While I am still very sarcastic (a tough habit to break), I have gotten over my general disgust for all things human.

I was gently brought to correction by a great lesson learned, and that is this:

The secret to loving people is to understand them. However, as it is impossible to fully understand even one person, it is easier to understand that all people are understandable.

I have often been puzzled by love, especially by the fact that love was assumed for certain types of relationships. Then I realized that love comes from simply knowing, and the whole "love process" is one of getting to know eachother until we are fully known (Isaac "knew" his wife, if you know what I mean).

Even the seeming worst of our race have someone who loves them. Those who must pay for their crimes by death invariably have someone crying outside the killing room.

All people are lovable, and that fact alone makes loving all people possible.

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